Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Tarikh : 09 Julai 2018
Masa : 7.30 pagi
Tempat : Dataran Bestari

Alhamdulillah HIP telah pun dilancarkan di SK Pekan Jaya. SK Pekan Jaya merupakan sekolah fasa ke 3 pelaksanaan HIP. Selain memperkasakan penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan warga sekolah, hari Rabu juga telah dipilih sebagai English Day bagi membudayakan bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan murid, guru, staf dan ibu bapa.

Ministry of Education introduced a new program to enhance English usage among teachers and pupils. For the first phase, the program has been implemented in few pilot schools. Many teachers are still not fully informed or curious about activities that can be used for HIP. Here, Miss I provided certain ideas.

First of all, teacher must understand HIP must involve all the teachers, especially non-English teachers and the activities must encourage English usage.
There are four types of activities:

-          Indoor
-          Outdoor
-          Whole school
-          Outreach- Field trips or activities with the society.

Here some ideas on the activities.

      1.  Create an English environment by playing a song:  You can assign the other panels to play the song. When other teachers search for English songs, it will involve them in the activity. You also can encourage pupils to be a DJ or record their voice and play the audio.

2. English stage. Create a small stage and choose one day for your pupils to perform anything in English. Give theme, if it is the Science week, pupils will perform topics on Science in English.

3. Informative Board. Assign a theme. For example, Mathematics. So during the Mathematics day, pupils will find content related to Mathematics in English and paste on the information board.

 4.  Mini games: 15 minutes before school starts, play games such as spelling bee, royal messenger, puzzle and etc.

 5.Assembly in English. Choose a day to conduct assembly in English. Pupils or non- English language teacher can speak in English.

 6.    English corner. Create a small corner and put a lot of English books there for the pupils to read.

7.  English documentary. Play a short clip of English cartoons, movie or documentary for pupils enjoyment.

 8. Canteen day in English. Buy and sell in English.

9.  English culture. Set a day for pupils to speak English. Greet everyone in English or else will be charged 10 cent for each non- English word.

10.   Personal English book. Make sure every pupil own this book. Every pupil must write the book based on what they read. They can read anything: story, science, history and etc. They have to copy what they read, this can encourage them to learn sentence structure and content of various subject.

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